I did it!!!


I finished my first (and quite possibly my last) full marathon today. I can’t walk and everything hurts… but it was worth it!!

Training for a marathon is no joke and it took up a lot of space. Not just in the actual training time, but the emotional space that working towards a big goal takes.

I’ve been wanting to run a marathon for many years, but this year I put my money where my mouth has been and signed up for a training group. Not only because it’s more fun to run with others, but because it created the accountability I needed to stay on track and get to that finish line.

Now accountability isn’t the most fun thing in the world, but it sure as heck works. And it’s the biggest reason why I was able to reach this goal.

We need systems and processes, external to ourselves, to reach our goals. They can be the most elaborate or simple systems.  As long as you create them (and stick to them) you’ll get there.


Want to be more consistent in spending quality time together? Set a recurring appointment in your calendar to take a walk or make dinner together.

Want to get better at circling back after communication mishaps? Set a timer for 30 minutes and come back to the conversation.

Want to spend less time on your phone and more time in connection with your mate? Set time limits on your most overused apps OR even better… delete them.

Whatever you’re working towards, you’ll get there… with accountability.

I just know it.


P.S. If the two of you are struggling with consistency and follow-through, let’s set up a time to meet. We can set some preliminary goals and start you on the road to success. That’s what I’m here for.


Anna Osborn