Anna Osborn

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What are you consuming?

I have a few guilty pleasures in life. Double stuff Oreo thins, wandering the aisles of Target… alone, and a handful of reality TV shows. Mostly Vanderpump Rules and RHOOC. And, as much as I love all of these things… I notice the impact when I’m consuming too much of them.

When I’m watching a bit too much reality TV that involves endless snark and toothpick bodies, I tend to get a bit more critical of myself and a bit short-tempered with those around me. I don’t know if it’s all the arguing and craziness in these shows that sort of normalizes being more reactive or watching them dine on 5-star cuisine and top-shelf wine while still looking fabulous and fit that confuses me. But whatever it is, I know that consuming too much ‘reality’ makes me realize I need to step back from it all.

What we consume, what we watch, what we see, it all gets soaked in. And whether or not we want to admit it, it influences us.

It impacts our decisions.
It influences our choices.
It contributes to our perspective.

Which is why I think that in life and love… you have to be aware of what you’re consuming.

A little short-tempered with your mate… ask yourself why?
Lusting after someone else’s seemingly perfect life… where’s that coming from?
Noticing yourself venting about your partner a bit too much… who are you hanging around that does the same?

It’s important to surround yourself with people, situations, and content that lifts you up

And, if you’re noticing yourself being ‘influenced’ to compare your pretty good life with someone else’s curated reality, be cautious.

Take the time to notice what you’re consuming to ensure it's creating the perspective that will help you thrive in life AND in love.

We got this!


P.S. If you’re noticing more cynicism, cattiness, or snark has entered into your relationship, now is the time for a reset. Check out the Communication Masterclass. It’s great relationship and communication content to consume!!