Anna Osborn

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Spring has sprung!

Spring is officially here… well at least that’s what I’m telling myself. Any small bit of sunshine has me dreaming of the garden I’ll plant (and inevitably forget to water) and longer days spent outside.

I grew up in the fog of Monterey County and as beautiful of a place as that is, I left soon after graduation in search of sunnier skies and hotter temps. So it’s easy to see why I’m a person who thrives off of extended daylight and too much sunshine. 

It’s actually this time of year that I feel a lot more inspired to make progress towards all the meaningful goals I wrote down at the start of the new year. I used to be hard on myself, that I tend to hibernate in January and February, but now I accept it. It’s just how I’m wired.

And so with an invigorated mindset, I’m looking at the year ahead with a 12” in one direction mentality. I know from experience that the tendency to list out dozens of ‘priorities’, even with the best of intentions, can leave you feeling overwhelmed and falling short.

So whether it's my relationship, parenting, wellness, or business goals… I’m just focusing on one thing.

One behavior to change.
One habit to improve.
One routine to implement.

12 inches in one direction… not 1 inch in 12 directions.

Because when it comes to change, you will see so much more progress if you focus your energy in ONE direction. 

Chat with your partner and see what ONE thing you both can start doing to improve your communication, restore your connection, or just breathe more life into your relationship. 12 inches in one direction will make so much of a difference...  especially when you’re moving in the same direction… together!!

You got this!


P.S. Need some help with applying the 12” in one direction concept? Reach out… that’s what I’m here for!!